Feature Article

Meet the Candidates


Nick Noordam is an ambitious man who was born on the 7th of November in Spijkenisse and grew up in Hellevoetsluis. He has always fought for equality, because he witnessed the bullying of a girl on his primary school. She was bullied to the point where she sat crying in the class because she had a different hairstyle than all the other girls. Nick of course could not stand the sight of this and decided to stand up to the bullies to stop them for good. He succeeded in doing this by talking to them, because Nick does not believe violence can solve anything. From that moment he knew he was put on this earth for a reason; to promote and protect equal rights.

After this incident, Nick went to high school and met his companion, Sir van der Velde, and together they were able to win the science fair, which enabled Nick to become highly renowned in the school.


In his fifth year of vwo on the Jacob van Liesveldt Nick was chosen by the people to participate in a selection process for the annual Model United Nations. Nick was leading the poll and it was almost certain that he would get a place in the prestigious project. However, Sir van der Velde did not make the cut and Nick could not stand the sight of this, so he withdrew from competing. Sir van der Velde was selected as his replacement. So now Nick had some free time on his hands, and he wondered how he could use this time to help his fellow students and citizens, so Nick decided to become a lifeguard. He thought that the beach needed more security and safety for swimmers and bathers, that is why he decided he should take care of the less fortunate. The process of becoming a lifeguard was a long and harsh journey and it took him a lot of training and studying, which is why he decided to give up his vacation and start training and learning full time to be a lifeguard. In the summer of 2016 he singlehandedly saved over 36 people from drowning or bleeding to death due to the first aid curses he followed in his own free time.


After his vwo and ib certificate Nick “The Amazing” Noordam studied Engineering Science at the Oxford University and he passed cum laude. He is currently fighting for gender equality and against racism and discrimination as candidate of the Socialistic Gender Equality Party. He found this party after he finished college and he immediately got a ton of support by important political figures and of course his friends. Together they took a vow to never stop fighting for equality, whether it’s for men and women, black and white or Christian and Muslim. Together they can change this world for the better.


At this point of his life Nick had already founded his political party and saved tens of lives, but he still was not satisfied. He felt like he needed to go somewhere where equality between men and women was almost non-existent, so he decided to go to India. Nick learned a lot about himself in India, for example that he is capable to think out of the box. He was asked by a man and a woman to settle an issue for them, they were fighting and asked Nick who was right and who was wrong. Nick of course hated the violence, so he lectured them about the importance of a civilized argument. After hearing him out the couple returned to their home, satisfied with Nicks wise answer to their question.

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Source: Feature Article

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